

Well, I have to put it this way, this Kung Fu Panda movie really did a great job at Chinese culture researching!! Everything in the movie is pretty accurate! They put correct Traditional Chinese characters in the movie even in the end for the credits! Hey! It's "Traditional Chinese"!!
And all sets and scene designs...Oh my god...they are all beautiful and really look like in Main Land China. Sometimes for story they designed them in a better dramatic way!
And~ All the actions and moves are so smooth!! Facial expression, movement, actions are all animated excellent!!! Maybe better than actual person's acting...(BTW, the texture is great as well!)
Also the sound effect, and editing, every single tiny details are matched together so well, speaking of DETAILS, each scene is soooo delicate because of these detail things.
The last part, CASTING, Good Good Good!!!
It's an amazing film, keeps me excited all the way from beginning to the end!!!!!
But I noticed that some concept is from the Stephen Chow movie"Kung Fu Hustle", for instance, stepping on enemy's foot, and the main character Po is just like Stephen Chow in Kung Fu Hustle! Generally speaking, they adapted it very well, and made it contains more philosophy in this movie, which is great and good for audience to learn something from seeing the movie.

Well Done! I'll rate it as A++!!!

p.s. I don't know if I saw wrong, but I really saw Rain's name in the very end of the movie. IS there something doing with him? I am curious and really wanna know.
